The Heroes of Holbrook Academy

The Heroes of Holbrook Academy

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Short week this week due to the holiday, and thank goodness!!  I had already forgotten how unfocused children become this time of year.  They are CRAZY!!!  I think the next month is going to be a real challenge.  How does everybody get through this time of year homeschooling little ones?  If you have any tips, please feel free to share because I am all ears!

As for what we managed to accomplish this week:
  • Our Letter Qq Mini Book (for Sawyer)
  • Practice writing the letter Qq and some q words (for Hayden)
  • Reading Eggs program
  • Measured Mommy's belly for the 8th time and discovered that I have grown 5 1/2 inches since we first started this weekly activity
  • Read a few more books related to the letter Q and Thanksgiving
  • Went to a Thanksgiving chapel program at Sawyer's preschool
  • Played corn darts, a Native American game that the boys learned about last month when we visited the Old Florida Museum in St. Augustine
  • Added more leaves to our Thankful Thoughts Tree
  • Practiced our French words
  • Attempted a writing prompt called "The Family Meal" that didn't go so well because the boys were too distracted with Daddy being home from work and the fact that we are leaving this afternoon to go visit the grandparents.
Corn Darts

Sawyer's turn

Hayden's turn
He shoots!

He scores!!

I guess, for three days of school before a major holiday, we did okay.  Not so much in the math department, but the boys are having too much fun, and right now, that's what really counts, right?

As for our writing prompt, this is what we ended up with:
If you could cook any meal for your family, what would you make?  Describe the meal and tell how you would make it. (I should insert here that I gave a little help in the beginning because all Hayden wanted to make was dessert, and I had to explain that a meal included dinner - and for this writing activity, an appetizer - as well).

"I would make granola bars for my appetizer.  They would be honey granola bars and chocolate chip granola bars.  I would bake a turkey in the oven for dinner, cook some fish on the stove, and also cook deer in the oven with the turkey.  There would be carrots, lettuce, and cranberry sauce to dip the turkey in.  For dessert, I would bake fall leaf cupcakes.  They are the shape and color of fall leaves, and they taste like cinnamon rolls."

And, last but not least, I will leave you with a list of the boys' thankful thoughts from their Thankful Thoughts Tree:

Hayden is thankful for:
  1. our money because we can buy stuff.
  2. holidays because on Thanksgiving we get to eat turkey and on Christmas we get presents.
  3. lizards and frogs because we can sometimes see the frogs jump in the water and the lizards run around.
  4. our toys so we can play with them.
  5. our Wii because we can play Mario Kart and Wii Sports Resort.
  6. our library because we can get all different kinds of books.
  7. our food because it keeps us healthy.
  8. turkeys because we can eat them.
  9. our clothes because they keep us warm in the winter.
  10. our house because have a bed to sleep in and we have a a kitchen and a schoolroom.
  11. the ocean because we get fish to eat from it.
  12. the zoos because we can see all sorts of animals there.
  13. our friends because we can play with them.
  14. my family because I love them so much.
Sawyer is thankful for:
  1. lions because I love nice lions.
  2. America.
  3. the rocket ships because we can ride in them so much to different planets like Mars.
  4. apples because I like them.
  5. bananas because we can eat them.
  6. our dog because I love him so much!
  7. the nice ghost because I love him so much.
  8. fall leaves coming down because I can jump in a pile of them.
  9. the turkeys because I like them to lick me.
  10. the ocean because we can go scuba diving.
  11. the rain because we can play in the rain.
  12. bats because I can pet them and they're not so scary.
  13. cereal because I can eat them.
For the record, I would like to state that I have never let Sawyer go scuba diving, ride a rocket ship to Mars, or pet a bat.  Nor has he ever seen a ghost to my knowledge or had a turkey lick him.  With that in mind, I am thankful for my childrens' active imaginations, the opportunity to be with them daily and to nurture their desires to learn and grow, and my ability to love them unconditionally on the days that they drive me insane.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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