The Heroes of Holbrook Academy

The Heroes of Holbrook Academy

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Busiest Month of the Year

So you'd think that the busiest month would be December or some other holiday month like that, but nooOOoooOo!  I had to go and give birth twice in the same month (thereby creating one big birthday party between the two), marry a guy whose birthday is in the same month as those babies, throw a baby shower for another friend in the same month, and run a race (just to kick it up a notch)!

That being said, I have tried sitting down to write these posts multiple times with no success.  Since it has apparently become impossible for me to do each week in September separately as I usually do, I'm just going to lump it all into one big post (and mostly pictures since that seems to go faster for me, and it's more entertaining for you, I'm sure.

Sawyer circling the beginning letter sound

The "-ad" Family Wheel

Sawyer's E Letter Hunt

More Letter E Hunt to make a path for the elephant
to his peanut

Paper Clip Sight Words

Can you tell it's a Letter E kind of week?

Paint stick/Clothespin sight words 


Daily Journal Entry: I give them a subject/topic to illustrate and then I write
for them what they tell me about their picture.

Hayden's ABC Book to practice writing his letters.  We do one page a week.

Magnet letter Sight Words

Puzzle Fractions

A fun little game using shapes and colors

Memory Game but with an added twist of finding two numbers that add up to 10

Match the number to the correct number of dots on the snake
Cutting out and creating an oval owl

The finished result.  Not bad!

Exploring sounds with different fillers and containers

Art Nature Hunt.  The goal was to find objects in nature that appealed to them
and draw it as they see it.  Here, Sawyer found a stick...

...and Hayden found the shell of a cicada on the maple tree.

Making Angry Bird magnets to go on thank you cards for the people who came
to their birthday party.
We took a short break from our unit on living things/plants and animal habitats to just play around with some of the science stuff that Hayden got for his birthday:
Grow Your Own Crystals:  Here is Hayden stirring the calcium sulphate (or whatever
it was - I can't quite remember) into some warm water to dissolve it.

Then we placed the stones in the solution and waited for the crystals to grow.
We were kind of disappointed with the results, but it was fun to make it anyway.

Grow Your Own Worms: kind of a crazy experiment that was loads of fun.  There
were two different solutions to work with.  One was in the plastic tray, and one
was in a bottle that you squeezed out into the other.  And voila! Worms!

Hayden went bananas with this one.  He successfully created
a multitude of blue worms.  And then some.

Sawyer didn't really want to touch them.

And that was the last three weeks in a nutshell.  There were a few other non-photo activities, but you get the idea of what went down in the Holbrook house from these.  Looking forward to having a month of prepping up for Halloween next!!

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